Teresa de León (comtesse de Portugal)

   Thérèse de León


Personal and Family Information

Teresa was born in BET 1083 AND 1085, the daughter of Alphonse VI de Castilla and Jimena Muñoz de Guzmán. The place is not known.

She died on 11 NOV 1130. The place is not known.

She had two marriages/partners. Her first husband was Henri de Portugal, who she married in 1093. The place has not been found. Their four known children were Urraca Henriques (1096-?), Sancha (1098-1163), Thérèse (1102-?) and Alfonso I (1109-1185).

Her second husband was Fernando Pérez de Trava. They were married, but the date and place have not been found. Their two known children were Teresa Fernández (?-1180) and Sancha Fernández (?-?).

Pedigree Chart (3 generations)


Teresa de León


Alphonse VI de Castilla


Ferdinand I de Castilla


Sanche III Garcès de Navarre


Munia maior Elvira Sanchez de Castilla


Sancha Alfonso de León


Alphonse V de León


Elvira Menéndes


Jimena Muñoz de Guzmán


Munio González de Álava


Gonzalo Muñoz de Álava


Elio Muñoz


Mayor Muñoz



Birth BET 1083 AND 1085
Death 11 NOV 1130


Nobility Title FROM 1112 TO 1128 comtesse de Portugal


Thérèse de L...


  1. Wikipedia Español
    Source: Wikipedia Español